Quetsch Plums

We've started picking our Quetsch Plums and will be bringing them to the Sherwood Saturday market, tomorrow 9 am until 1 pm (8/22). They are a small plum, oblong in shape with a purplish black skin, inside they have a sweet somewhat crunchy yellow flesh. There are grown particularly in Alsace France.

This week we will have delightfully sweet sun gold and grape tomatoes and also we will again have baby carrots along with beans, beets, broccoli, chard, cucumber (lemon and Armenian), kohlrabi, welsh (bunching) onions and of course squash (Patty Pan, Crookneck and Straight neck).

Last week we donated 402 lbs of zucchini and squash to the Plant a Row for the hungry program - they were somewhat overwhelmed.